Data collection from territorial cases: Călărași

The Cǎlǎraşi FVlab intends to promote a co-production pilot project to support the inclusion of Roma communities living in two deprived areas of the city of Cǎlǎraşi, improve access to housing and reduce inequality in services. The FVlab will enable the development of co-production practices in marginalised contexts, which is very relevant in a city like Cǎlǎraşi where a large percentage of the population lives in deteriorated and low-income neighbourhoods. In this context, in the search for useful materials for the FVlab, an attempt was made to identify statistics, datasets, studies, articles, maps, etc. on inequality and democratic participation in the city of Cǎlǎraşi and the Roma community. The search was made in English. The twenty resources identified (only in English) can be used for a more in-depth description, also in terms of spatialisation of the inequality, of the existing situation in the operating areas.

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Δημιουργός commonspace
Υπεύθυνος Συντήρησης commonspace
Τελευταία ενημέρωση 16 Απρίλιος, 2024, 19:40 (EEST)
Δημιουργήθηκε 14 Απρίλιος, 2024, 21:26 (EEST)