Fairville p2p session #8 'Video making' (28/01/2025)
P2P session on T6.4 (WP6), to produce content-based videos that will be grouped in 3 main capsules, focusing on 3 different topics: Inequalities, Co-Production, Scaling. -
- Fairville p2p session #7 'Fieldwork and Fairville labs’ stories’ (26/04/2024)
Main challenges emerging from fieldwork & preparing D3.3 'Fairville labs' stories' -
Fairville p2p session #3 'Toolbox' (29/02/2024)
Fairville Labs Support Meeting & Focus on D3.2/ Toolbox for co-production of pilot actions -
Fairville Labs' Stories
The nine Fairville labs are linked to citizen-led initiatives by local groups partnering with the project. The Fairville labs are established in eight European and African... -
Fairville website, communication and dissemination tools
Fairville, Facing inequalities and democratic challenges through co-production in cities, is a Urban Co-Production Research Project Horizon Europe. -
Mutual Learning Seminar #4 'Collective mapping methods' (01/02/2024)
MLS#4 (01/02/2024) with Urbasen and commonspace