Pilot actions in Italy for EUTH-CLIMATE ...

URL: https://youtu.be/77XIbqEom7g

The group of boys and girls from the IIS Albert of Lanzo Torinese, supported by the operators of Fa Bene and CIS Ciriè, completed the Erasmus+ project EUTH Climate. The project culminated in the Pilot Action which took place on Sunday 17th during the Sports Festival. The boys and girls proposed a stand full of games and activities that aimed to encourage the inhabitants of Lanzo and the surrounding areas, from the youngest to the oldest, to think about the topic of climate change with particular reference to: - mobilization and transport, - diet, - reuse, - recycling - energy saving. The aim was to get people to reflect on how significant the ecological footprint of all our daily activities can be. What do young people need to become promoters of actions that contribute to tackling Climate Change with a concrete impact at a local level?

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