βρέθηκαν 23 σύνολα δεδομένων

Φορείς: Fairville

Φίλτρα Αποτελεσμάτων
  • Power Mapping

    Power mapping is a process of identifying and analysing power relations and power asymmetries that determine the access and the control over local resources and/or shape...
  • Atelier populaire d’urbanisme

    Since 2019, Un Centre Ville Pour Tous has been organizing and leading Ateliers Populaires d'Urbanisme (APUs). The first APU was launched in the 1970s in France by residents of...
  • Fairville LABs' Methodology

    TOOLBOX PART 1: FAIRVILLE LABS’ METHODOLOGY D3.2 Toolbox for co-production of pilot action RIA-CL2-DEMOCRACY FAIRVILLE GA N°101094991 Work Package WP3: “Fairville Labs” /...
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