Mobilisations around urban renewal, from ...


Co-training event in Marseille, Philippe Urvoy (27/02/2025). Evening meeting to discuss the book ‘Lutter pour la Cité’, coordinated by the associations APPUII and Renaissance des Groux, and collective Tenaces. This meeting, part of the Fairville project, is open to the public and brings together members of the APPUII (Saint-Denis / Paris region), Renaissance des Groux (Fresnes / Paris region), Centre Ville Pour Tous (Marseille), Collectif des Organisés du 3ème (Marseille) and other collectives.

‘Lutter pour la cité’ tells the story of the struggle by tenants of the Groux social estate in Fresnes (94) for their rights, following the announcement of the planned destruction of their neighbourhood. The book is also a toolkit for building cities from the ground up.

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Προσφάτως ενημερωμένα δεδομένα Φεβρουάριος 27, 2025
Προσφάτως ενημερωμένα μεταδεδομένα Φεβρουάριος 27, 2025
Δημιουργήθηκε Φεβρουάριος 27, 2025
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