
URL: https://repository.participatorylab.org/dataset/c52a224a-490d-44ba-a82d-06fcc3ef7de6/resource/63b0d83b-ef86-4270-a041-827a6d02f281/download/chapter2_westatticafvlab.pdf

West Attica Fairville Lab core team (commonspace together with key local actors) has started organising a series of local meetings and workshops with different contextual and thematic focus, involving activists, researchers and residents. The first cycle took place from February to May 2024 and focused on the topic of Fyli Landfill, one of the largest of its kind in Europe. West Attica Fairville Lab story Chapter 2 narrates this co-production process.


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Προσφάτως ενημερωμένα δεδομένα Ιούλιος 12, 2024
Προσφάτως ενημερωμένα μεταδεδομένα Ιούλιος 12, 2024
Δημιουργήθηκε Ιούλιος 12, 2024
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